EAST Horizon Consultants plc
P. O. Box: 922/1000
Telephone: +251-25-875-0330 +251-91-574-1919/4887
Kebele 04 near Juma’ Mosque
E-Mail: easthorizonconsult@gmail.com
Website: www.east-horizon.com
Jigjiga, Ethiopia
Telephone: +252-63-3503915/4466041/463-5353
E-Mail: easthorizonconsult@gmail.com
Al Khayr Building (cimaratul Khayr) First Floor next to Ethiopian Airline. Ticket Office
Hargeisa, Somaliland
The Most Important Professional Services Provide are:
I. Urban Development and Mapping
Pr-Feasibility and Feasibility Studies;
Country Road inventory and Mapping,
Social and Utilities Services Mapping
Urban and Rural water supply study and Network design;
Preparation of Master Plans, Structural Plans, Local Plans, Neighborhood Plans and Urban Design;
Urban Waste Management Study and Preparation of Strategies
Geographical Information Systems (GIS ) and Mapping works;
II. Engineering
Soil and material investigation;
Road way Hydrological/Hydraulic, Structural, study and design; Geometrical & Pavement Design;
Design Reviews; Project Rehabilitation/Upgrading Design and supervision;
Environmental Planning and Design:
Land escape design:
Preparation of Specification and cost Estimation; Preparation of Tender Document and; Project Management and Supervision
Engineering Software Training
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