For consuming the time worldly life,mankind is required to do everthing in the name of Allah. This requirement guides the mankind to have clear picture regarding account of all good deeds and the reward, and not to bear loss in the day after.
Mankind has been advised to fill time with positive and beneficial activities or works.By doing so, the worldly life could be better managed.One of the Muslim scholar said:”the duty is much more than the time which is available”.Thus, there is no reason at all for the mankind, especially for the Muslims to get relaxed by wasting their time.
It is a compulsory requirement for mankind to manage their time well and properly through effective manner to get maximum would be better,ifsome one is capable to maintain the restraint and the management of time constantly.contrarily, to any one controlled and steered by the time and let the time it self change to stretch our age and become a wasted without no use.Hence the full consciousness about the meaning of time is essential and plays important role.
Time awareness can be realized by considering how short our life is.It means the availability of time is limited.At the same time, the human’s mission could be measured according to the life span in this world.
Therefore, one thing which needed by the servant of Allah is to spend his life with sincere devotion, with whole clean heart as an expression of gratitude to Allah(SWT) for comfort of time that has been granted to him.
For Allah, time is a human’s life.Means that human life in this world has always been accompanied by the time, and while performing the life journey, he/she always pass it with time.Thus presence of time means the presence of life itself.
Time has the nature to be too loyal to accompany human’s life.It’s just like a sun rises from the east and sets in the west every day.This shows the immense importance of time.It is absolutely nessearyto be always a ware of what time is.If it is treated like an object, then it should be recognized clearly what exactly is that stuff, is it possible to be thrown, to be rolled, to be moved or to be executed by any action.Is its shape round or oval, so that it can be used as efficiently as much is possible.Therefore, to be aware of the characteristics of time, is not only necessary but essential as well.
If Allah say we shall continue……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Written by:AbdinasserGurayMe’aad.